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Overview         (For age - group : Above 16 )

Goalfinder classes UGC / CBSE NET SET Logical Reasoning subject covers in detail the syllabus of UGC / CBSE NET SET paper 1 Logical Reasoning exam. Material covers types of reasoning, arguments, definitions, assertions and Venn diagram with examples and exercises. Total number of Pages is 86.

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Size (KB) 25000 US$    6.00 Rs.474.00
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Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:0:0
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ugc net logical reasoning
Out of total 10 topics in UGC NET / SET Paper 1, logical reasoning topic is covered in this ebook of course material
ugc net logical reasoning point        

Pointwise and concise treatment of subject helps in memorability

ugc net logical reasoning point diagrams

Topic is amply supported by image, tables and diagrams for better understanding

ugc net logical reasoning tables

Tables compares and arranges different types of data while diagram are visual representation of text both help in understanding

ugc net logical reasoning exercise

Topics cover syllabus of Logical Reasoning in detail and are supported by exercises

Details of the animation/ movie /software

Course material covers the syllabus

Exercise on Premise and Conclusion

Valid argument
Invalid argument
Sound / Unsound argument
Exercise Arguments

Inductive / Deductive Reasoning and Arguments
Cogent and Uncogent Arguments
Exercise on Inductive and Deductive Arguments
Exercise: Sound /Unsound, Valid/ Invalid Arguments

AEIO Forms
Exercise - Proposition Translation

What are the Main Types of Reasoning?
Deductive reasoning
Reductive Reasoning
Abductive reasoning
Inductive reasoning
Exercise : Inductive or Deductive
Exercise (Inductive and Deductive)
Exercise (Inductive and Deductive)
Syllogism (Deductive reasoning)
. Categorical Reasoning
. Hypothetical Reasoning (if- then)
. Disjunctive Reasoning (Either P or Q)
Circular reasoning
Some types of inductive reasoning:
Generalization reasoning
Causal reasoning
Analogical reasoning
Predictive Conjecture or Analogical Predicting
Exercise on Reasoning
Exercise on Reasoning

Square of Opposition
Exercise: Contradictory, contrary, subcontrary, subaltern

Applied Definitions
Lexical Definition
Stipulative Definition
Precising Definition
Theoretical Definitions
Persuasive Definitions
Exercise Definitions
Exercise Definitions

Assertion and Argument
Transitivity, Symmetricity, Reflexivity and Equivalence

Venn Diagram
C. AII-3
D. AII-2

Fallacies in Arguments
Answers to exercises


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