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This science software explains through animation the concept of thermal equilibrium. A system is said to be in thermal equilibrium when the macroscopic properties of it constituents cease to change with time. The law of that deals with this thermodynamics phenomenon is called Zeroth's law.
Category : Science
Type : Animation
Animation Type : Advanced
Total animation length: 40 minutes
- Thermal equilibrium
- What is temperature?
- What is heat?
- How heat transfer and temperature are related?
- How can one determine the equilibrium temperature
of a system?
- Condition for thermal equilibrium
- Zeroth law of thermodynamics
- How can we determine whether two given bodies are
in thermal equilibrium?
- Explanatory notes
Zeroth's law
of thermal equilibrium - experiment for caliberation
of thermometer
Highly detailed animated experiment
of hot coffee and ice mixture for
demonstration of thermal equilibrium
Two block
experiment for determining the equilibrium temperature.
This science animation answers
the following questions in detail:
- What is thermal equilibrium? - Animation of hot coffee
kept open to air.
- What is temperature? Misinterpreted as heat - animation
hot and cold water experiment
- What is heat? Misinterpreted as energy - animation of
iron rod and its atoms
- Various heat transfer mechanisms to approach thermal
- Conduction, Convection, Radiation, Evaporation
- How heat transfer and temperature are related? - Highly
detailed animated experiment of hot coffee and ice mixture
- force, displacement, work, energy transfer and thermal
equilibrium states shown between molecules of ice and
- How can one determine the equilibrium temperature of
a system?
- Condition for thermal equilibrium- Animated numerical
examples for heat gained = heat lost balance equation
- Coffee and ice
- Copper glass and hot water
- Zeroth law of thermodynamics animated experiment
- How can we determine whether two given bodies are in
thermal equilibrium?
- Discover through explanatory notes:
- How was the concept of temperature and thermometer
- Principles behind a thermometer
- Can heat flow from cooler region to hotter region?
- Application
- Phenomenon
- Properties