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Light - Laws of Reflection
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Overview         (For age - group : 11 - 16 )

How can a piece of plastic save lives. Total internal reflection here scores over reflection . Night reflectors do not use any power but light up as soon as light hits them but they do not produce glare, as any mirror would, but glow in the light, how do they manage that, learn more by looking at this educational science animation

Product - Animation
  Size/Duration Subscribe Preview / Trailer
Size (KB) 290 US$    0.75 Rs.59.25
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:6:0
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Bicycle or night Reflector:
Category : Science > Physics
Type : Animation
Duration : 6 minutes

  1. Why a mirror cannot be used in place of a plastic reflector
  2. Construction of a reflector
  3. How total internal reflection takes place inside the reflector ?
  4. How is the light reflected back in the direction of incidence ?

Explanatory notes section contains :

  • Can a reflector be used for measuring the distance of moon from earth?
  • What are the shortcomings of a reflector ?

night reflectors glow when any light falls on them Night or bicycle reflector
Night reflectors glow when any light falls on them
Night or bicycle reflector
The ray of light incident on the reflector are sent back in the same direction Total internal reflection takes place inside a reflector
The ray of light incident on the reflector are sent back in the same direction
Total internal reflection takes place inside a reflector
Details of the animation/ movie /software

The red plastic reflector on the back of a bicycle is shaped so that light from a cars headlight hits the front surface at a very small angle of incidence. But the back of the plastic is angled. The light hits this surface at a high angle of incidence. Total internal reflection occurs. All the light bounces back , and is returned in the direction from which it came. No matter in which direction the light is incident on the reflector, it always retraces its path. So car drivers see the reflection of their own headlights in the reflector.

The same principle is used in automobile reflectors.

The question that can arise out the concept of reflectors is : Why cant a mirror be used in place of reflectors, the answer is that mirror does not reflect back the light in the same direction as the source so the source will not be able to see the reflector or the object like car, mototrcycle that has the refelctor mounted on it .

The concept of the reflecting back along the same path is illustrated in the aninmation through a animated ray diagram.

Explanation of the same phenomenon can be applied to the Questions like
Can a reflector be used for measuring the distance of moon from earth
What are the shortcoming of a reflector

These questions are answered in the explanatory section of the animation

If you are still unclear about the concepts, please refer the animation.

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