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Overview         (For age - group : Below 16 )

Ever wondered how a prism can play with nature, it can break white light into its component colors and then recombine them back into white light. This animated physics (optics) software gives in-depth information about wavelenghts of light, refraction and dispersion and is very useful for schools.

Product - Animation
  Size/Duration Subscribe Preview / Trailer
Size (KB) 269 US$    1.50 Rs.118.50
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:9:0
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Prism :
Category : Science
Type : Animation
Length : 9 minutes

Content of the software animation :

  • Common terms describing a prism ?
  • Behavior of a light ray as it passes through a prism?
  • Angle of incidence, refraction, emergence and deviation
  • Why light breaks into different colors inside a prism?
  • Can a white light be obtained from a prism ?
  • Totally reflecting prisms, erecting or zero deviation prism

A prism is made of glass
Deviation of light inside prism ray diagram
A prism is made of glass
Deviation of light inside prism ray diagram
dispersion of light inside a prism into rainbow like colors
prisms can recombine dispersed light back to white light
dispersion of light inside a prism into rainbow like colors
prisms can recombine dispersed light back to white light
Details of the animation/ movie /software

What happens when a beam of white light strikes a prism?

The components of white light get refracted by different angles and follow different paths within the prism. The phenomenon due to which white light splits into component colors is called dispersion..

Violet has the maximum speed and red has the minimum in glass. Hence, the violet bends the most and red the least. Each color leaves the prism after refraction through different angles.

How can we get a spectrum with the white light and the prism?

The band of colors obtained on the screen when white light strikes the prism and splits into component colors of spectrum.

Can the component colors be recombined to white light?

By placing an inverted prism in path of the dispersed beam, white light can be obtained.

What happens when a ray strikes one of the surface of a prism?

The incident ray strikes one surface of the prism and enters from a rarer medium (air) to a denser medium (glass), hence bends towards the normal.
It is observed that after undergoing refraction through the prism the emergent ray gets deviated from the original path of the incident ray.
The angle between incident ray and the emergent ray is called angle of deviation.

On what factors the angle of deviation depends?

The angle of deviation produced by a prism depends upon i) angle of incidence, ii) refractive index of material of prism, iii) color or wavelength of incident light, and iv) angle of prism .

If you are still unclear about the concepts, please refer the animation below.

Besides the above points the animation file also contains the following

  • Description of prism
  • Detailed animation and description of ray that enters and leaves the prism
  • Why does light break into its component colors ?
  • Totally Reflecting prisms
  • Erecting prisms or zero deviation prisms

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