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Overview         (For age - group : Below 16 )

Earth's atmosphere acts like a greenhouse, warming our planet in much the same way that an ordinary greenhouse warms the air inside its glass walls. Like glass, the gases in the atmosphere let in light yet prevent heat from escaping. This natural warming of the planet is called the greenhouse effect. This animated School science animation gives in-depth information about greenhouse effect.

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Size (KB) 114 US$    0.75 Rs.59.25
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:11:0
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Greenhouse effect :
Category : Science
Type : Animation
Length : 11 minutes
Content of the animation :

  • What is a green house effect ?
  • Which gases cause it ?
  • How does it occur in the atmosphere?
  • How did it get the name greenhouse?
  • How does a greenhouse for plants work ?

Explanatory Notes section contains :

  1. Why carbon dioxide is opaque to infrared radiation?
  2. Carbon Dioxide-Infrared Absorption
  3. Who discovered infrared light, and when did the discovery occur?
  4. What happens when greenhouse gases start increasing?
    --Global rise in sea level
    --New weather patterns

global warming
global warming is due to small wavelength infra red radiations
Global warming takes place between sun and earth and causes the temperature rise Global warming is due to small wavelength infra red radiation absorbed by earth and long wavelength emissions
A green house
green house traps heat by multiple reflections
A green house
A green house traps heat by multiple reflections
Details of the animation/ movie /software

The greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature that the Earth experiences because certain gases in the atmosphere (water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane, for example) trap energy from the sun. Without these gases, heat would escape back into space and Earth's average temperature would be about 60ºF colder. Because of how they warm our world, these gases are referred to as greenhouse gases.

The greenhouse effect is important. Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would not be warm enough for humans to live. But if the greenhouse effect becomes stronger, it could make the Earth warmer than usual. Even a little extra warming may cause problems for humans, plants, and animals.

The warming effect produced when radiation is trapped in a closed area , e.g. a greenhouse. The objects inside absorb the sun's radiation and re emit lower energy radiation which cannot pass back through the glass . carbon dioxide in the atmosphere forms a similar barrier , and its level is increasing , hence the earth is getting slowly warmer.

A greenhouse is designed to facilitate the cultivation, propagation and protection of young seedlings and delicate plants. The greenhouse has glass paned roof and walls which is perfect for regulating temperature, humidity, soil moisture and light.

The inside of a green house is always warm, the reason is that glass or polythene transmits only the short wavelength infrared radiations. It is opaque to the infra red radiations of long wavelengths. The visible light and thermal radiations of short wavelength from the sun therefore pass through the walls of the green house and they are absorbed by the plants inside it .

The air inside thus becomes warm. The warm objects inside emit radiations which Are of comparatively longer wavelengths. Glass / polythene being opaque to them does not allow them to pass out. Thus the heat remains inside the green house keeping it warm.

Earth's atmosphere acts like a greenhouse, warming our planet in much the same way that an ordinary greenhouse warms the air inside its glass walls. Like glass, the gases in the atmosphere let in light yet prevent heat from escaping. This natural warming of the planet is called the greenhouse effect.

Greenhouse gases -- carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and others -- are transparent to certain wavelengths of the Sun's radiant energy, allowing them to penetrate deep into the atmosphere or all the way to Earth's surface. Clouds, ice caps, and particles in the air reflect about 30 percent of this radiation, but oceans and land masses absorb the rest, then release it back toward space as infrared radiation.

The greenhouse gases and clouds effectively prevent some of the infrared radiation from escaping; they trap the heat near Earth's surface where it warms the lower atmosphere. If this natural barrier of atmospheric gases were not present, the heat would escape into space, and Earth's mean global temperatures could be as much as 33 degrees Celsius cooler [about -18 degrees Celsius as opposed to 15 degrees Celsius

The greenhouse effect is important to life on Earth, without it the Earth would be far too cold for us. But some scientists are concerned that humans are producing too many greenhouse gases, and that we may be warming the Earth too much.

The first step to a safe future is to be aware of the possible problems. Next we must study climate and atmospheric trends, which will take many years of observation.

NASA is very involved in these studies, measuring greenhouse gases in the atmosphere from satellites in space. As we develop a deeper understanding of climate trends, we can better predict what affects we have on our environment, and how to ensure a healthy future.

The natural greenhouse effect is a phenomenon created by the heat energy radiated by the sun and greenhouse gases normally present in the atmosphere. In simple terms, sunlight passes through the atmosphere, warming the Earth.

In turn, the Earth radiates this energy back towards space. As it passes through the atmosphere, greenhouse gases (water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) absorb part of the energy, while the remainder escapes into space. This means that some of the sun's energy becomes trapped - thus making the lower part of the atmosphere, and Earth, warmer

The greenhouse effect keeps the Earth's average surface temperature at about 60°F (15°C). If there were no greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the planet's temperature would be 0°F (-18°C), too cold for most life. Most of the heat radiated from the Earth's surface would be lost directly to outer space.

Mars has a very thin atmosphere with a weak greenhouse effect. Its surface is much colder than Earth's. In fact, it is frozen.

Venus has an intense greenhouse effect. Its atmosphere is thick with carbon dioxide and other gases that trap heat. The surface of Venus is much hotter than Earth's--hot enough to melt lead.

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