bird answers in detail the questions that may be racing
in your head about bird flu, it actually "shows the
answers ".
an interactive animated movie in a comic book style concerns,
queries and worries about bird flu get solved, the movie
is in an easy to understand, interactive format. Some of
the questions are given below. There are four more movies
on bird flu, go to their pages on our site to get more details
Question answered
1.What actually is this bird flu that I have been hearing
about ?
2.Is this bird flu, same as avian influenza?
3.Since this influenza is only affecting birds, it won't
harm us, will it?
4.Who are the carriers of influenza virus?
5.I am confused about virus, what are they ?
6.Why are governments getting concerned about this virus
7.Wild birds migration route.
8.List of Infection carrier birds
9.How does bird flu spread from one country to another?
10.Are dead birds also are a source of this virus?
11.What will make a pandemic more likely to happen?
12.What is the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic?
13.Should every country be concerned about bird flu?
14.Is it going to spread worldwide?
15.How do wild birds get bird flu virus in the first place
16.Is only the poultry at threat from the virus?
17.How do we protect pet bird from influenza virus?
18.Are human flu and bird flu viruses different from each
and many more questions answered