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Printable Posters on protecting poultry from bird flu; these three posters are meant for the poultry farm owners that are wanting to know all about biosecurity and how to save their poultry from bird flu, these show how precautionary measures can prevent H5N1 virus from infecting poultry, how sanitization can stop further losses and what symptoms to look out for in birds.
Posters on
bird flu
1) Protect Poultry from bird flu - practice hygiene
2) Protect Poultry from bird flu - isolation and monitoring
3) Biosecurity - farm sanitization
Content : Information
on bird flu
Resolution : Low for viewing, download high for
printing on home and office printers
Target Audience : Poultry
Type : High resolution printable
posters in PDF format, hard copies also available, ask
for a quote for hard copies
Size : Slightly lesser than A3, 11inches(long)
x 16.3inches (wide), printing in A4 (8.26 x 11.69) and
on letter size ( 8.5 x 11 inch) produces sharp results.
Language : English
Other Languages : Possible if you can send the
fonts and translated text, we have Hindi and Marathi versions
available. Refer details below
Printable : Yes, on all home printers and office
printers. For offset printing refer details below.
Free or Paid: Low resolution is free, high resolution
is paid version
on link below each image to view a bigger image |
image |
Poster-Practice Hygiene to protect
poultry from bird flu shows how to stop the flu
from infecting the farm by using hygiene measures
like washing hands, boots, and equipment. Details
of which disinfectant to use and at what pressure,
percentage concentration is given, mechanism of flu
spreading is shown clearly.
Poster-Practice isolation
and monitoring to protect poultry from bird flu :
Measures for protecting poultry from contaminated water,
infected birds and polluted feeds, the poster shows
the symptoms of flu in birds so that identification
of the disease in one's flock is easy. |
Image |
Poster-Biosecurity - farm cleaning
& sanitization: In the aftermath of H5N1 attack
a relapse of the flu after restocking of poultry is
extremely damaging for the farm's economy. To prevent
such occurrence disinfecting the farm is important.
This poster shows in stepwise manner how to go about
disinfecting the farm - from dry to wet cleaning to
disinfecting, all aspects are covered.
There is a lot of confusion in
the minds of poultry farms about the source, prevention
and symptoms of bird flu, we are bringing out 3-posters
on bird flu, addressing these very issues.
Low and High Resolution Posters : The low resolution
ones are viewable from link below images but dont print well, high resolution ones that print
sharp on in A4 and A3 sizes on home and office printers
can only be downloaded after purchasing the posters . These
are presently available in English languages but translation
to other languages is possible.
For Offset Printing :
If you need posters in 300 dpi offset printable format (CMYK)
format , please write to us, The charges per poster are
$100 extra, we can supply a Prepress PDF or in TIF (CMYK)
format. Ask us for a quote.
Procedure for translated posters
1) Purchase and download English posters
2) Translate them and email us the fonts and the translated
text in your language. Each line of translated text should
be below the corresponding English text. The file could
be in word (DOC), PowerPoint (PPT), CorelDraw (CDR) or Flash
(FLA) format
3) We will email a translated PDF copy or CMYK TIF image
of the poster to you at $25 extra charge per poster.
Procedure for printed posters : If you want hard
copies of the poster, email to us the details on
1) Poster Name
2) Quantity
3) Material (we can provide posters on paper, laminated
paper and vinyl)
4) Delivery Time
5) Translation requirement.
Ask for a quote through e-mail. |